Rotarian Isabel Scarinci Receives District Service Award

Rotary Foundation Chair Mark Maloney presents District Service Award to Rotarian Isabel Scarinci

Rotarians Isabel Scarinci and Allen Kilgore joined President Bruce Rogers and VP of International Service Mike Saag to represent RCB at District 6860’s annual Rotary Foundation Dinner, honoring the benefactors who enable Rotary's amazing efforts both around the world and here at home.

During the event, Past Rotary International President and current Rotary Foundation Chair Mark Maloney presented Isabel with District 6860’s District Service Award in recognition for her “service in promoting The Rotary Foundation and its goal of disease prevention and treatment.”

Isabel was commended for the work she is leading to eradicate cervical cancer as a public health problem in Alabama through OPERATION WIPE OUT, including the successful summit hosted by RCB at The Harbert Center in January. 


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