Mark Dixon Shares Alabama’s Educational Outlook
President Gordon Martin and Rotarian Mary Boehm with Mark Dixon
The Rotary Club of Birmingham kicked off the first meeting of the 2023-24 Rotary year with featured speaker Mark Dixon, A+ Partnership for Education President. He discussed the current state of education in Alabama and where we need to go. Dixon explained that A+ serves as a statewide advocate for educational reform that benefits all students from pre-K through high school. He shared the programs that have been implemented that have resulted in progress, such as the state's Literacy Act, and the areas where more can be done to help ensure Alabama students and educators achieve success.
"Our education system will not truly improve until all students have the resources they need to be successful," Dixon said.
About Mark Dixon
Mark Dixon is President of A+ Education Partnership. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Wake Forest University. He spent five years as Education Policy Advisor to Alabama Governor Bob Riley and later as Policy Director. With an expressed desire to learn more about nonprofit management, Dixon moved to Washington, D.C. to pursue his Master of Business Administration in Strategic Management and Public Policy from The George Washington University School of Business. While in school, Dixon held an Education Pioneers Fellowship with Teach for America where he continued his pursuit of education reform.
Following business school, Dixon joined General Electric (GE) where for the past six years he has held both corporate and business roles. A graduate of GE’s Experienced Commercial Leadership Program, Dixon helped build a commercial consulting organization, and led teams on strategic projects for senior leaders on five continents. Most recently, Dixon led market development efforts for GE Power’s steam unit in North and South America to develop projects and drive value creation for customers.